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السبت، 23 مارس 2013

Of the seven wonders of the modern city of Petra Fine

The beautiful city of Petra or rocks the city of the seven wonders of the modern, Petra, also called goods, a historic city located in southern Jordan 225 km south of the capital Amman to the west of the main road that connects the capital Amman and Aqaba.

• The Petra of the most important archaeological sites in Jordan and in the world there is no parallel in the world recently won second place in the international competition for the Seven Wonders of which is about a whole city carved into the rock pink color (hence the name Petra means in Greek rock) (offset language Nabatieh Rgimo) and Petra, also known as the Pink City relative to the color of the rocks that formed to build, a city like Matkon Citadel.

built by the Nabataeans in 400 BC and made ​​it their capital and close to the city there is a mountain of Aaron which is believed to contain the tomb of the Prophet Aaron, peace be upon him and seven springs which hit him with his stick rock Vtfjrt. Petra was selected on 7/7/2007 as one of the new seven wonders of the world.

The Petra capital of the state Nabataeans and most important cities of their kingdom, which lasted between 400 BC and even 106 m, has stretched its borders from the coast of Ashkelon in Palestine in the west to the desert of the Levant in the east. And from north of Damascus and even the Red Sea in the south, form site Petra average between civilizations Mesopotamia and the Levant and the Arabian Peninsula and Egypt economic importance has held state Nabataeans reins trade between civilizations these areas and their inhabitants were commercial convoys reach it loaded with spices and condiments from the southern Arabian Peninsula and silk from Gaza and Damascus and henna from Ashkelon and glassware of Tyre and Sidon, pearls from the Arabian Gulf

the end of the State of the Nabataeans was at the hands of the Romans when besieged and prevented her year 105 water sources and named Arab state. In the year 636 became Petra live on from the rest of the population on agriculture but the earthquake that hit year 746/748 and earthquakes emptied of its people

with the start of flights Orientalists of the Arab world in the nineteenth century was discovered Petra in 1812, at the hands of Orientalist Swiss Johann Ludwig Barakaart who learned Arabic and studied Islam in Syria and came to Petra claiming he is a Muslim from India after denying Bazzi Islamic and objective to provide a sacrifice to the Prophet Aaron and so he was allowed locals to enter the pink City, and contained his book printed in 1828 and known as the flights in Syria and the Holy Land on the pictures of Petra.

  One of the most important drawings famed Petra was the lithography drawn by David Roberts of Petra and the Wadi Musa area during his visit in 1839 and the more than twenty lithographic plate was printed many of them giving Petra international fame. There Petra many other paintings and photographs dating back to the nineteenth century, which shows how the attention that has brought re-discovered on Europe at the time. Of famous works of Petra paintings watercolor of views Petra artist Cheranz about 1840 and the first map of the manuscript of Petra in English to draw travelers to eBuddy circa 1830 and photos of Petra imaging frit in 1830 [The width of the Treasury 28 meters and a height of 39.5 meters, and there are several statues structural (remains of Nabatean)

Petra, carved into the rock and hiding behind an impenetrable barrier of compacted mountains that barely porous have a mysterious charm. The traffic Balsik, a narrow road with aspects of the towering height that barely allow the passage of the sun, provides a dramatic contrast with the magic to come and suddenly opens into a natural square famous Treasury of Petra carved in the rock, which glows under the golden sun.

There are many facades beckon the visitor throughout the ancient city, one monument leads to another milestone distance Bantoa. The sheer size of the city and of beautifully carved facades is staggering and leads gives an idea of the level of creativity and industry of the Nabataeans who made ​​Petra their capital more than 2,000 years ago. It Nabatean capital that could establish a network of caravan routes which brought spices, incense and myrrh, gold, silver and precious stones from India and the Arabian Peninsula, to be traded in the west
As a result of the wealth they acquired, they adorned their city with palaces, temples and arches. As you set off from the gate of the entrance to the city valley is quite wide and open. This section is narrow entrance known as the Siq door. First Maatmr is a jinn is a group of three cubes of rock just to the right of the aisle and the crossing more through the slit visitor sees tomb stele carved in the cliff and in a moment the passageway goes from a broad to a gap dark does not exceed a few feet and suddenly a few steps you first get to see the finest achievement of Petra, a safe that visibly under the hot sun and carved into the rock.

 The height of this interface about 39.1 meters and Oabulg about 25.30 meters in width, and length of the columns on the first floor about 12.65 meters, and in the second floor about 9 meters, but the jar above the kiosk stands at a height of 3.50 meters. Composed interface Khazna of two sections: the upper and department basement, with the triangle broken and ring the building, composed the bottom of the six columns, as the pillars of the center separated from the wall, and column capitals of the first kind, "vegetable", and there are some differences between the shapes of plant crowns , and above the columns Afrish decorated pairs of winged beasts, including vases, and tails is a coiled and tangled trunks, and on both sides of the face of the highlights of the frieze foliage. Above the triangle shape (Pediment) solar disk between horns and ears of wheat, which symbolizes the gods Isis (Isis) Egyptian, as we find in the center of the face out of the frieze Securities Alokanthus, has been distorted, and top sides of the triangle stands a winged animal,

 And show these forms impact Egyptian civilization in terms of content, as we find when spaces side between columns base topped sculpted, a form Adami standing in front of horse, and was carving forms horses and camels in the arts Nabatiyeh funeral is clear to help them to transport the deceased in his journey toafter-life. The upper part of the safe is made ​​up of six front columns and eight columns background, which is attached to the walls and capitals of the second kind "plant

"In the middle of the interface we find ring the building a ceiling italics in the form of a tent, topped with a crown pillar and jar, but Alafrish Supreme, they are decorated with leaves different plant, and forms pomegranates, grapes, pine, including the faces of subhuman, and above Alafrish aspects form the triangle Broken (Broken -Pediment). addition to all these decorations we find between columns front and rear, sculptures statues on the rules, has been distorted in a subsequent period, and in mid-ring the building (Tholos) statue gods (Isis) with wheat spikes that symbolizes her, a goddess of death Egyptian, and on its side between the columns we find statues of victory

, Also has the highest forms of sculptures triangles bird eagle. We find symmetry in the interface to a large extent, in terms of architectural decoration and engineering, with the carvings on the sides are not identical to each other, but they are consistent with each other or with the interface, so that it was suitable for a variety. Dahlman has been described (Dalman) and safe interface as consisting of dual Temple, front and rear and placed on top of each other, the basement shows the entrance to the temple, and top shows on the campus of the sacred (Sanctuary).

 He added that this combination was imitated in the building of the monastery and the grave only Corinthian, which is against the traditions but appropriate to the place. Several theories have emerged for out of the safe, and have tried a large number of researchers find similar buildings, may be a source of inspiration for the design of the safe. He found many that originated back to buildings in Alexandria, a temple Cleo Petra and the library, while pointed Babinschr (Papenstecher) to a ring the building (Tholos), in many private homes and palaces, where she was surrounded by arcades Baptist (), has been found Starkey (Starcky) the interface Treasury, reflect the architecture in the Egyptian city of Alexandria during the Hellenistic era
In any case, we find that this interface combines oriental influences, and represented in the gods and animals superstitious Egyptian, and Syrian Eagle, and shape jar East, with methods Hellenistic, in addition to character Nabati in forms and motifs crowns, frieze, and some properties statues between architectural elements classic. Like the lower part of the Treasury, a temple of style Corinthian six columns above the base low-rise, and columns ending crowns fashioned Corinthian but they do not resemble crowns that we know in Jerash, and Baalbek, which returns to the second century AD, then it is not only find two rows of Paper Alokanthus, instead of third grade artist floral carving is extremely accurate, come out pine cone, to occupy the middle of the flat or Alapacos.

The above column extends Hant class ion, has broken between the last two columns on each side, and the frieze above the sculpture is also fashioned ion, and consists of floral decorations, animals legendary among Awan like pottery that abound in the graves, called pots tears (Lecmrimaria). The triangle Vicll four columns Central, not total columns, as is the case in the temples Romanian, and within abound floral surroundings with a woman who has distorted his features, and can be likened to gods Khirbet enlightenment, now in the Museum of Amman, and at the top triangle substrate (Acrckrium) bear disk of the sun surrounded by the horns and wheat spikes, a slogan of Egyptian gods Isis, the HATOR which corresponds gods gods Astarte when Semites,

The triangle is based on the base of the second round decorated with a frieze of flowers, and statues of sphinxes at both ends. Varies the second round for the first round, in terms of decoration and architecture, in the middle stall round-called Greek (Tholos) surrounded by columns Corinthian, and surmounted by a roof-like repression, end crown Corinthian and jar, placed where usually ashes Dead, but here symbolic as it is hollow , has broken because Bedouins were firing upon the fire, Danin it contains safe Pharaoh, this has been a name circulating today, and on both sides of the kiosk Binaan are decorated columns, above them triangle is broken, and above angles remnants Eagles crushed, and these buildings constitute a gallery revolves around the kiosk, has Nabati returned engineer to avoid monotony, and make other prominent places and hollow, breaking triangles on both sides Alawites, as break Alhant in the basement, and make consistent among the prominent statues on both floors.

Statues: on the first floor between the two columns of others, statues of gods known when Greece Baldioschori, or (Castor and Pollux the Romans) (Castor and polux) and two sons Zeus, and were driving the dead to the other world, and therefore hold each and every one of them the reins of his horse, and head firsttowards the west, and the second toward the east, a sign that they follow a sun at sunrise and sunset. And fits Aldioschori in the upper floor of the Amazon, who are women warriors as Greek mythology says, has lifted all one Blttha above her head, and began to dance a war dance, while flying Othoabehn in the air. As in the kiosk interface, highlights statue of Tyche gods of luck, and I brought her left hand a century of prosperity, and with the right, a symbol of fertility, and many such statues in Greek art, and is surrounded by winged statue gods victory and number six.

Inside the safe: consists inside the safe of the three chambers, two on the side and the other in the middle, and closets side empty except for treasury dug roommate Bank, The roommate Central and climb to tray, amounts to each side 12.50 meters, and on three sides by cabinets placed where sarcophagi for burial,this has been a closed room door wooden or bronze as evidenced by the lingering effects on the outskirts of the upper and lower gate

Petra won in a contest the new seven wonders of the world after the official support of the vote, where it was considered a national duty, and the Jordanian government launched a huge propaganda campaigns to Petra in Jordanian newspapers and Radio Jordan and Jordanian television to stimulate the citizens of the Kingdom of the vote. The companies began launching campaigns to support the vote


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